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Saturday, February 28, 2009

What happens when everything becomes "rehashed"?

As an online marketing consultant and product provider, I hear a lot of talk about products and content being 'rehashed'. I hear, "This ebook is just straight rehashed material".

You know, that's when you see the same tips, tricks, websites, tactics, templates, etc. that everybody else has sold you on already.

And I'm sure that if you're not new to internet marketing, and still haven't made a dime off of it yet, you're probably singing the same tune, correct?

You betcha!

So my question to you is...since it's all rehashed content, what are you going to do next?

There are three choices in which you can take.

OPTION 1: Wait for the next miracle product to come out so you can buy it and bet all of your hopes, wishes, dreams and future into it...hoping that IT will make you money, miraculously.

OPTION 2: Get pissed and quit making money online altogether (since it supposedly doesn't work for you - curses!)

OPTION 3: Actually DO what you've read and purchased a million times already!

Many people (about 99%) of "internet marketers" choose option 1. Why? Because they're lazy cruds who think that buying an ebook is going to make them rich.

Seriously, the only way you can make money off of buying an ebook, is if you're getting the PLR rights to it, so you can legally steal it, make it your own, and flip it as soon as you're done.

But that requires work...and that's something that people who choose option 1 will never do. They'll never pick up a product to actually do WORK. They just wanna KNOW how to make money online...that's it!

It makes them feel so much more damn important than anyone else to know that they know how to make money on command. They'll never do it, though.

So, in summary...option 1 is BAD. If this is you, the type that likes to buy books and hang on to dear life that it will make money for you...*pimp smack* STOP IT NOW! ...or you're destined to fail (and go bankrupt, too).

For those who choose option #2, you're just as bad as those who pick option #1!

Let me explain...

You can't call it quits...and I'll tell you why. Yes, quitting IM won't be a waste of money, because you can always get refunds (if possible). But there's one thing that will always be a waste, no matter HOW you look at it...

You've wasted your time...and you can't get time back. PERIOD.

Think about it. How long have you been after the glory and the riches that being successful in internet marketing can bring?

You've probably been at it for a while...whether it be a week, a month, a year or even YEARS.

Now think about what would happen if you quit...all that time would have been for nothing. Yes, I said it...NOTHING.

It's like blowing thousands of dollars to attend the best universities and other forms of higher education...and then, after all that money is gone, and all that time has past...YOU QUIT.

All that time is wasted, because you gave up and sacrificed many things, good times, and events in life...just to try and make IM work for you. What do you have to show for it? If you have nothing to show for it. If you still try, at least you can say that 'you're working on it'.

Me personally, I could be at this for years. I've been at it for 4 years already. If I quit now, and I didn't make a dime, what would I go back to my friends and say? I wasted 4 years of my life, cancelling nights at the bar, not showing up to BBQ's, etc...for nothing. I hope you get my point.

Time is the most valuable asset in life next to happiness, spirituality and money. With happiness, you can get it back. Spirituality, you can get back in the spirit of things. Money, you can get it back. Time...well, once it's gone, it's GONE. Can't get it back.

So what about Option #3? That's the best solution for you. You already know that everything is rehashed, right? You already know about the same topics that every ebook talks about, every video course displays to you, and every tip, trick, tool and website to check out.

So why not put this information to good use?

And if it doesn't work, look at what you're doing. Ask people for advice who are in (or near) your level of success/failure.

We always want to blame something or someone else when IM doesn't work...but we never blame ourselves. That's why it's best to get someone else's opinion on your websites, marketing strategies, and ideas. That way, you can get an honest, unbiased opinion. Wait, that opinion will be unbiased, especially if you tell people that it's your "friend's" idea, or website, or strategy. :)

For instance, a while ago, I wanted to pack up and quit IM altogether, and go back to 'slave labor' working for these money hungry corporations saying 'how can I help you?'. I wanted to blame everyone BUT myself.

I wanted to blame the guru's for snagging all my potential customers.

I wanted to blame the economy and the corporate media for planting fear into people and having them slam their wallets shut.

I wanted to blame everyone else with a mailing list, because they didn't want to promote my stuff, or even give me the time of day.

I wanted to blame Google for not putting me on the first page of search results for my keywords.

I wanted to blame every other internet marketer on the planet for launching a new product every single day and getting 100's of others to plug it for them...thereby taking all the attention away from my measly little promotions.

I was even so distressed that I wanted to blame God for not blessing me with success in my most darkest of times, financially and emotionally.

I even remembered posting my thoughts saying 'I QUIT' on an internet marketing forum that I was heavily into.

You know what happened? People started giving me advice...and crazy enough, it was advice I didn't want to hear at all (but I needed to hear it).

First, I couldn't blame God, because I should've already seen how he HAS been blessing me with two young beautiful children, a roof over my head, food on the table, and even a wife who stood by my side.

I couldn't blame every other internet marketer for taking all the attention away from my promotions. They took the time out of their schedule to go out and contact as well as follow up with 100's of people in the first place to promote their stuff. I could've been doing the same thing.

I couldn't blame everyone else with a mailing list for not promoting my stuff. I just didn't know what to write to these people to get them salivating over my offer. I didn't know that most people want to see test data before they wanna promote anything. They wanted to see how I did selling my own stuff, before they decided to put their faith in it.

I couldn't blame Google for not putting me on the first page of search results. I just didn't know how to optimize my page for my keywords, and I sure wasn't out there building links to my site like I should have.
I couldn't blame the economy and the corporate media for scaring folks into slamming their wallets shut. Why? well, other marketers were getting people to open up their wallets again to shell out hundreds of dollars on 'rehashed crap' my approach must not have left people compelled to trust in me, and buy my stuff, regardless of economic circumstances.

I couldn't blame the guru's for snagging all my potential customers. The key to making money online is finding out what people are willing to pay for...and then get them to trust you, so they can ultimate feel more comfortable about buying from you. I strayed away from that thinking, and that was to blame instead of the guru's.

So in the end, I was to blame for not having effective copyrighting, not spending more time getting my prospects and customers to trust me, not optimizing my web pages right, not having test data and the right words in a JV proposal, and everything else.

Sometimes the best ways to figure out why internet marketing isn't working for you; is to stop looking for who (or what) else you can blame, and starting asking yourself (and others) what YOU are doing wrong and what YOU could do different the next time around.

If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting something different to happen...then you're insane. Matter of fact, that's how Albert Einstein defined "insanity"...and I totally agree. So, if you're stuck on doing things your way, the same way, again and again, and expecting it to finally make you money...then you're insane enough to really believe that it will work (because it's NOT).

Sometimes, the ebooks with 'rehashed' crap isn't the problem. Sometimes, those lengthy video courses aren't to blame. Sometimes, it's not the gurus, or Google, or other websites and products that are out, or even the people who are involved in promoting them.

Sometimes...the problem is YOU.

And I know for a fact, that many people hate to hear that they themselves are to blame...but guess what?

THE TRUTH HURTS...but it's needed. Can't keep living a lie, because those lies are keeping you BROKE!

I hope this opens up your eyes a little bit, and inspires you to look over your business in a whole new light.

If you think you have that perfect website or promotion, and nothing is working for you/it, drop me a line at my helpdesk:

If the problem is simple, and I have enough time, I'll answer and show you what's wrong. If it requires more thought and strategy composition, I'll have to charge you for coaching :)

But, I'm only going to do this with 10 people only. If I answer more than 10 people, it's because I just plain lost count. :)

Enjoy yourself,

T.M. Harris