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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New Way to Make Money With a Myspace Blog - No Adsense

This is actually an excerpt from my own ebook, "Play Dirty on Myspace"
I figured I'd reprint this article again, since I've come across more people here on myspace, who do learn from my blog posts and my advice.

Enjoy the article!

Title: New Way to Make Money With a Myspace Blog - No Adsense
By: T.M. Harris

Myspace gives you the option of customizing the top space of your
blog. Some people may write something cute and stupid...Me, I put
ad banners for my affiliate links there. But, I make sure that the stuff
I'm promoting is related to my blog and the readers I send to it.

Open up your myspace blog and click on "Customize". Look for a
box that allows you to "Add Your Own Header HTML" and add a
banner from the program you're promoting (w/ your affiliate link).

Now, you have a permanent ad posted on your blog for all your
readers to see!

I hope that your blog is specific to a specific niche of interest. If not,
create a new profile and make a new blog that targets a group of
individuals based on what you're advertising.

Here's how you can REALLY promote your blog and the ads that it

Think of a keyword that describes what your niche is all about. Now,
goto the Myspace Groups (just click "Groups" on the menu bar). At
the bottom will be a keyword search. Type in your keyword and you'll
see groups that are interested and based around your keyword. Go
into each of these groups, and add these people as friends.

But, it doesn't stop there. After sending a friend request, go back to
their profile page, and click on "View All Blog Entries". Go into their
blog and click "Invite to My Blog". So, not only will they see your
friend request, they'll see your blog subscription request. This is sooo
helpful for promoting your blog, because once these friends
subscribe, they'll be notified of every time you post a blog. So, they'll
visit your blog and be bombarded with your ad at the top of the

So, with your blog, add friends that are related to your blog by
searching for them in myspace groups, and then invite them to
subscribe to your blog. Another place to find individuals that are
niche related is to cruise throught the actual myspace forums and
classifieds. Find a folder in the forums that's related to what you're
promoting and add those people. Do a keyword search in the
classifieds section and add those people, too.

Now, when it comes down to actually posting to your blog, write
articles related to what you're promoting. You can easily find articles
from and just repost them to your blog. You
have to keep fresh content in your blog so that your readers won't
unsubscribe. When they do that, you have just lost a fresh lead.

Also, once you post a blog, drop a bulletin and let your whole friends
list know about it. The bulletin is a great way to reach out to one and
all, and let them know about your blog posts.
T.M. Harris
President, T.M. Harris LLC

Oh, before I forget, check out my friend Steve Iser's new website...
Ready.Aim.Wired. If you liked this money making tactic,
you'll definitely love the boatloads of techniques that Steve has.

He taught ME about myspace marketing! So I know he's the truth.

Until next time!

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