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Monday, June 18, 2007

Got Some Goodies, My Child...

Yeah, sorry about the weird title tonight.  I'm in one of my good moods.

My new son went to the doc for the first time, and came back with a clean bill of health.  And, I'm still noticing sales on "Time to Play Dirty", and already, I've put that project on the backburner.  Crazy how you can plant your seeds all over the internet, and watch them make money while you almost forget about them...

Trust, I'm not trying to brag here...

But it is something I want YOU to think about with your affiliate links, your websites, etc...

It's all coming together very nicely for me.  You just have to plant your seeds and give them time to blossom.

For instance, "Time to Play Dirty" was supposed to be the title of my Myspace follow up ebook...but another idea surfaced, while the domain name for it was months old...

It was just a stagnant domain, and now it pulls sales out of thin air, when I least expect them.  Again, I must always plant your seeds, your affiliate links and websites, all across the internet as best you can.

So, why the hell am I still rambling?! Let me stop...

***breathe, calm down***

OK, back to business...

I got some goodies for you, my faithful readers.  I'm going to be participating a lot more in JV Giveaway build my mailing lists.

People ask me, do these giveaways actually work?

For me, yes.  I've built lists of 1000+ quickly from these events, and they are built very quickly, as many of these giveaways are limited time offers...which make ppl WANNA optin to your list to get your free gift.

Yes, there is a science to really mastering the JV giveaway strategy.  Any chump can do it, and build a mailing list really quickly to profit from in the future.

If you wanna read more about the quick, simple way to build a mailing list with NO INVESTMENT...

=>  <=

But expect to be given access to many giveaway events and get your hands on so many treasures...



P.S. - If you haven't clicked on the link above, then you really must wanna be weird and continue to spend money on Adwords to build your mailing lists...especially when it can all be done for free...

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