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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The “Test Ride” - An Age Old Preselling Tactic

OK, this is going to seem like a dummy smack for some, and rehash to others, but this is how I'm going to break it down to you...

Think about the experience you would have if you were to go buy a car. You go there with the intention of buying a vehicle because you need one. There's no question about that. But of course, you know how car salesmen are. Their job is to put you in a car, by any means. They want you to 'sign and drive'. I'm not here to knock car salesmen and dealers. They have a hustle just like I have an online hustle.

But at the end of the day, they gotta get people into cars. So, they feel you out, and get to know you a bit, and see what it is you're looking for, and how much you'd be able to afford on your budget. Once they levy all this information out in their head, talk of financing the car kicks in. The customer gets defensive in the back of their mind, and gets kinda scared, because they hate credit, of course.

So what does the salesman do? Time for a test drive!

They let the car sell itself. What better way to sell a product than to let the person USE IT? If a person REALLY likes the car after the test drive, they'll have a connection with the car itself, and will start rationalizing ways in their mind, to afford the expense of the vehicle. They start talking about getting a second job, they start digging up a down payment just so they can finance know how it goes.

The same goes for internet marketing. The biggest launches in internet marketing history let you sample the product before you invest the $197, $497, $997 into it. You get videos, you get audios, you get ebooks, blog posts, case studies galore...and you get it for free, right?

Hello?! This is a common example of the “test drive”!

People always want to talk about how they dumped so much money into seminars, DVDs, workshops, ebooks, mastermind groups, etc. But in the end, they were invited to sample the product, and they wanted it enough from getting a 'taste' of it that they rationalized ways to come up with the dough to fork out.

I've personally done that, SEVERAL TIMES. I used to get the 'pre-launch' phase of products, and they were really just samples of the products that they were ultimately selling. I like what was going on, and I'd start thinking of ways to give up the rent money to buy it. I would say to myself...hey, this program is going to make me SO much money anyway, so I'll recoup my investment real soon. You know what? I'm sold!

And the product owners are grinning all the way to the bank. It's their ultimate goal to get a specific amount of money from you. And they know that a long boring sales speech is going to drive people away. So instead of doing a traditional launch with the long sales letter and the other crap, they simply let you try out the product.

So, why aren't you letting people test drive your product? If you have an ebook with 8 chapters, give out 2 of them to your list or your prospects over a period of time. If you have software, get a shareware software enabler, and turn it into a 'trial version' of your software.

If your product is good enough, it'll sell itself. Letting your product 'do the talking' shows your prospect that you have the utmost confidence in your product. People like buying from people they only feel comfortable with. What better way to make your customer feel better about a purchase than by letting them try it out, without you pressuring them to buy?

Just let people try it out, and make the decision for themselves whether or not they really want it bad enough after sampling it. The only thing you'll have to do it carry your sacks of money while you're laughing all the way to the bank.

So, if you're an affiliate marketer in the online marketing field, how can you let someone 'test drive' a product that's not yours?

Have you ever thought of publishing a report that displays a need for your affiliate product? People do it all the time! Give out a report that's relevant to the topic of your affiliate product, and find a way to implement the use of the product with the content.

For example, you want to promote Affiliate Elite, which is a software that helps you find super affiliates on the internet. So, why not write a report all about the importance of recruiting affiliate marketers? That way, you can recommend Affiliate Elite within the report as the 'all in one' solution to finding and recruiting affiliates...especially after you give them a good reason why they should.

There you have it. A simple pre-selling tactic that any affiliate/internet marketer can use now to sincerely profit from any product they release or promote.

BTW, be sure to check out my friend Dylan Loh's Clickbank Profit Machine. He shows you other ways in which you can truly profit from your internet marketing and affiliate marketing projects.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Also known as the unique selling position, the USP is often one of the most oft-misunderstood elements of a good sales letter. It’s what separates your product or service from your competitors. Let’s take a quick look at some unique selling propositions for a product itself:

  1. Lowest Price – If you’ve got the corner marketed on budget prices, flaunt it. Wal-Mart has made this USP famous lately, but it’s not new to them. In fact, selling for cheaper has been around as long as capitalism itself. Personally, I’m not crazy about price wars, because someone can always come along and sell for cheaper. Then it’s time for a new strategy…

  1. Superior Quality – If it outperforms your competitor’s product or is made with higher quality materials, it’s a good bet that you could use this fact to your advantage. For example, compare Breyers Ice Cream to their competitor’s. From the packaging to the wholesome superior ingredients, the quality is evident. It may cost a little more than their competitor’s ice cream, but for their market, it sells.

  1. Superior Service – If you offer superior service over your competitor’s, people will buy from you instead. This is especially true with certain markets that are all about service: long-distance, Internet service providers, cable television, etc.

  1. Exclusive Rights – My favorite! If you can legitimately claim that your product is protected by a patent or copyright, licensing agreement, etc., then you have a winner for exclusive rights. If you have a patent, even the President of the U.S. must buy it from you.

Ok, what if your product or service is no different than your competitor’s? I would disagree, because there are always differences. The trick is to turn them into a positive advantage for you. You want to put your “best foot forward.” So what can we do in this scenario?

One way is to present something that your company has devised internally that no other company does. Look, there’s a reason why computer store “A” offers to beat their competitor’s price for the same product by X%. If you look closely, the two packages are never exactly the same. Company “B” offers a free scanner, while company “A” offers a free printer. Or some other difference. They are comparing apples to oranges. So unless you find a company with the exact same package (you won’t…they’ve seen to that), you won’t be able to cash in.

But what if you truly have the same widget for sale as the guy up the road?

Unless your prospect knows the inner workings of both your and your competitor’s product, including the manufacturing process, customer service, and everything in-between, then you have a little potential creative licensing here. But you must be truthful.

For example, if I tell my readers that my product is bathed in steam to ensure purity and cleanliness (like the cans and bottles in most beer manufacturing processes), it doesn’t matter that Joe’s Beer up the road does the same thing. That fact that Joe doesn’t advertise this fact makes it a USP in your prospect’s eyes.

Want some more USP examples?

  • We are the only car repair shop that will buy your car if you are not 100 percent satisfied with our work.

  • Delivered in 30 minutes or it’s on us!

  • No other furniture company will pay for your shipping.

  • Our recipe is so secret, only three people in the world know it!

As with most ways to boost copy response, research is the key with your USP. Sometimes your USP is obvious, for example if you have a patent. Other times you must do a little legwork to discover it (or shape it to your target market).

Here’s where a little persistence and in-person selling really pays off. Let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean:

Suppose your company sells beanbag chairs for kids. So you, being the wise marketer that you are, decide to sell these beanbags in person to prospects before writing your copy. After completing twenty different pitches for your product, you discover that 75 percent of those you visited asked if the chair would eventually leak. Since the chairs are for kids, it’s only logical that parents would be concerned about their youngster jumping on it, rolling on it, and doing all things possible to break the seam and “spill the beans.”

So when you write your copy, you make sure you address that issue: “You can rest assure that our super-strong beanbag chairs are triple-stitched for guaranteed leak-proof performance. No other company will make this guarantee about their beanbag chairs!”

Saturday, February 23, 2008

REVIEW: Clickbank Profit Machine by Dylan Loh

Hey readers. Yesterday, I saw one of my friend's Dylan Loh's ebooks resurface with some new information. It goes by the name of "Clickbank Profit Machine".

Now, I finally received a review copy of the new edition...and here's what I think of it:

Have you ever seen a magic trick, and always wanted to know how they did it? So you go to a bookstore or a magic shop, and purchase a book to learn. And not only do you learn about the trick, you learn other little gems that you can run and brag about.

But, I also heard some feedback from my own email subscribers, who told me it was nothing more than a guide about Google Adwords and Clickbank.

Well, they are only partially right.

There is some cool information on using Adwords with Clickbank affiliate campaigns, but there's more to it than that.

There are other promotional tactics in this guide besides ysing Google Adwords and other Pay-Per-Click engines. There was one tactics that actually caught my eye as far as getting quick traffic to my webpages, outside of Adwords.

I say this...if you can teach this old dog some new tricks, then you have my money! LOL

The real question it worth the price tag?

Yes, and I'll tell you exactly why. When you buy a Dylan Loh guide, you get more than just an ebook. I've been on Dylan's email newsletter for a while now, from when I purchased one of his earlier guides...and I haven't turned back since. He's one of the few people who I model my business after, especially since he treats his customers like gold, before AND after the purchase.

When it comes to online marketing, you really don't get hospitality like that anymore. People just want your dough, so they can run to the bank with it, laughing the entire way there.

But Dylan actually really cares about his customers. I started out as a customer of his, and now me and him are good friends and partners. It was the customer experience I received that was way better than any product could ever deliver.

So, to answer my it worth the price tag? YES.

Click below for:
Clickbank Profit Machine

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A No B.S. Action Plan to Make Some Quick Coin Online

Hey guys

It's been a couple days since you heard from me, and that was on
purpose. I needed a break. LOL

I finally got my car back from the shop, and now I'm in business.

Today, I have no lesson...but I wanted to at least let you know that
I'm still alive. I've been getting emails from people saying how
they haven't heard from me. So I'm popping my head out for a sec.

BTW, I saw this site a couple days ago, but I didn't wanna tell you
about it because I wanted to just chill with the kids.

It's called 'Earn Like a Super Guru' and it's a no - b.s. action
plan to making some quick coin from affiliate marketing. I thought
it was cool, so I figured I'd tell you about it when I got a free
moment away from the kids.

Here's the link. It's only $7 now.
Earn Like a Guru

Let me know what you think, OK?

Tim H.

T.M. Harris LLC

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

REVIEW: Layoff Your Boss 2 by Jeff Wellman & Dixie Brown

I actually received 'backdoor' JV access to a product that's launched today. I heard about this product from a few marketers already who promoted the pre-launch for it. I heard of the product author, and his previous releases, and I was all set to actually buy this product.

But thanks to a little bit of networking, one of my 'guru' buddies actually gave me a link to not only sign up as a JV partner, but also to actually download the product to check it out during the entire length of the membership. I thought that was cool.

He didn't even ask me for nothing...but I can guess he's going to get a sub-commission if I make any sales from it. I don't know...but if it wasn't for me networking and being a friend to people, I wouldn't have gotten the access, period.

It's called "Lay Off Your Boss 2" by Jeff Wellman & Dixie Brown and it's the sequel to Jeff's highly successful "Lay Off Your Boss" series.

There was a lot of hype last year around this product, and it did quite well. I didn't buy it, but I heard great reviews on it. So when I heard about the sequel, I was prepared to invest in it, just so I wouldn't miss out on it.

Now, I already have week 1's lessons. And right from the gate, honest to God, I learned something new. The strategy is not new though, as it's been around since it was first published in 1933 (yeah, the early 30's) Crazy enough, internet marketers have been using it to not only build products quickly, but to also gain JV support and big profits from.

When I'm done with this post, I'll be going over the materials they provide you with PDFs, videos and worksheets to work with during your lessons. Worksheets...why didn't I include that in MY training course? Next time I will...

I think that this is well worth it's weight in gold if you ask me. If a seasoned 3-year marketer learned something new from this...then imagine how you'll react when you partake of the first week's lesson?

That's how I feel about it.

My Score: 5/5

Reason: They space out the lessons, and that's better for a student to keep their focus on learning the material in a structured manner. It's good, especially given the fact that the content even blew me away with the first lesson.

Go get yours, NOW.

Layoff Your Boss 2 by Jeff Wellman & Dixie Brown

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Today Sucks!!! Read About My Bad Luck...bad

Hey readers!

I know I've heard a lot of stories from my subscribers about their
bad luck as of late.  And to be honest, I've tried to give each and
every one of you game plans to go by to hopefully pull you the cash
that you need.

Well, I want you to know that you aren't alone.  Not by a long shot.
You don't believe me?  Read about my bad luck as of late...

First, I'm offering everything I've ever written and future updates as well.
Visit the link below to see what I'm offering.  I hate typing out long sales letters especially when people don't even read 'em.  They just wanna know what it is, what it'll do, and what they can do if they want it.

So that's how the page was designed to save both of our time.

Here it is:
Tim's Entire Personal Library

I had no idea about it until this morning.

I had to wake up early to take the misses to work, and noticed that
my car was sitting in a pool of transmission fluid.  So, the car
ain't going nowhere.  And I just put in hundreds into the car last
week.  So, she has to call a friend, instead of a cab, since all my
money is tied up in the bank...and times have been hard on all of
us.  Living in NJ sucks...let me tell you!  LOL

And to add insult to injury, I received a nice 3 page letter from
Walmart's attorney, talking about suing me as a result of when they
fired me a few months ago.  And they're asking for thousands, when
only a hundred bucks was stolen.  And I didn't even steal nothing!

Everyone wants me to hire a lawyer and fight this.  But it's hard
knowing that I might have to sue one of my clients.  You'll read in
a second.  And adding my screwed up's hard!

BTW, don't buy Dodge cars.  Even though I'm American, our cars SUCK.

But seriously.  The real link is above if you want one last shot at
getting my entire library of publications that I've written.

There's over $300 worth of books, software, memberships, etc. that
I've done.  And to be honest, I hope a lot of people take me up on
this...or else, I'm stuck to walking around.

Like I said, I get money online.  Just not 'guru status' money.  And
even though I make thousands every month, it all disappears as quick
as it's brought it.  When you got two young ones, money get's sucked
quick.  Many of you with kids already know this.

Trust me, I wish I was a millionaire.  I'm working on it.  But me,
I try to spend a lot of my time consulting people.  And the fact is,
I don't take payments on my services until I actually complete the
job I promise.

And crazily, many clients I've had has tried to screw me.  One of
them I plan on taking to court.  His name shall remain nameless.

I don't know.  The offer stands, my friend.  Here's what's included:
Tim's Entire Personal Library

If you already took me up on the offer, don't worry about this.  I
just hope you bookmarked the download page, as it does get updated
whenever I write something new.

And I'm working on a report as we speak called
"How I Turned $15 into $15,000"

It's an interesting case study on how I only invested $15 into one
of my sites, and turned it into $15,000 in sales...on autopilot.

You'll get getting access to that too, if you take me up on the

You even get access to my under wraps membership site about affiliate
marketing. I havent released it yet, because I'm trying to build a
brand new mailing list to promote this to, so I can have statistics
in hand when I approach my JV partners for their support.

And if you wanted into my PLR training course...I'm opening it back
up for one day only.  But you'll have to pay $37 to get it and
receive all three week's worth of material.

See, you should've gotten it when I offered it the first time.  It
was only $9.97 a week, and now I'm tacking on $7 to the latecomers.

If you want in on it...I have a special ink where you can get it.

OK, I gotta run.  I gotta look over my car's warranty information
and see if I can stick the bill on them for this crap.  Plus, my
kids have just woken up, so I gotta feed them.

Talk to you later,
Tim Harris Jr

T.M. Harris LLC

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Instant Myspace Niche Marketing Tactic

Good day friend.

Did I ever tell you that children are little germ carriers?! LOL

My son and daughter caught something from the weather changing so rapidly here in NJ. One day it was 40 degrees, the next 77 (yes, I'm not lying, either), and the next 48 degrees.

Everyone I know has been sniffling and coughing and sneezing and such. So, of course the kids got it, too. And then, they're jumping all over me and hugging all on me, and sneezing on me, and what not...



Yeah, I'm feeling like crap now. LOL But it shall pass.

Anyway, I wanted to experiment with something I used to do a while back in my early marketing days. It's more like a quick way to get money off of myspace. If you have a few minutes...sit back and's on the house. LOL

Here goes...

Here's how you can instantly dominate any niche on myspace quickly.
Bear with me as this is the abridged version. I don't wanna waste your time boring you.

Go into the 'Groups' tab when you're logged onto If you don't have an account, it's free to signup, and people of all ages have a myspace account.

Go browsing around for groups on myspace. I recently saw a myspace group all about bodybuilding that has 144,872 members signed up to it. That's friggin' CRAZY! And it's an active group too. People post there every single minute of the day.

Well, you could easily do a post on there to start a discussion amongst the interested.

Something similar to the question I asked you yesterday.

"What is your biggest concern when it comes to ________ ?"

And mention that you might be interested in getting into the niche as a hobby or interest.

Keep an eye on the replies to your post. Those who reply are basically telling you what their concerns are. This gives you a basis to find affiliate products related to their concerns.

Then, you can simply post a blog all about your findings related to some concerns within the niche. In the post, mention your affiliate links. You could publish the post to a blog or a blog instead. They're both free.

To be honest, myspace hates Clickbank, and any link going back to them from myspace won't go through. That's how myspace screwed them over.

So, you could use your myspace blog to simply show a snippet of your real blogs that you published outside of myspace.

Then you can go back into the group you originally posted in, and drop a line about your myspace blog or your other free doesn't matter.

You'll be giving the group exactly what they're looking for. You've done the market research, the product selection, and you're giving it to them using the open, user-friendly atmosphere of blogs.

This worked for me so well when it came to other niches. My thing was the dating niche. C'mon...everybody needs love, and you'd be surprised what people will do for it. This includes paying for ebooks, dating sites, seminars, workshops, DVDs...there's so much opportunity in that niche, that I was caking a few hundred dollars a month from it...using just myspace.

I know you're excited to learn something new. Especially for opening up your email. LOL

But if you want to learn more about myspace marketing, I have two good resources you could read that are dirt cheap.

My guide, "Play Dirty on Myspace"

Theo Baskind's guide, "The Myspace Ace"

Even if you do nothing this article and try it out. What have you got to lose? Myspace is free to use and make money from...especially if you use the tactic I just showed you.

I mean, the market research part can easily take you a few minutes to do. And you can do it for several niches every day. There are millions of groups on myspace, and many of them are very active. The idea is to be involved in the groups that show the last 5 posts being made in the same day. If you go to a group today, then the last 5 group posts should have today's date. Otherwise, it's not very active group.

I gotta run and heat up some Chicken & Stars soup. The cheap stuff from ShopRite. LOL

I'll teach you another money making tactic tomorrow.

Tim Harris Jr

T.M. Harris LLC

Friday, February 1, 2008

REVIEW: Can a Rich Jerk Really Teach You Real Estate?

I stumbled across this site by pure accident, and even though it's not in my main niche of 'internet marketing', I believe it deserves an honorable mention on my blog.

For those who have been out of the loop for the past two years, there's a famous internet marketer who's self-titled digital publication, The Rich Jerk, has pulled in millions of dollars in gross revenue for this California native. He's shattered records in the industry in terms of sales figures and units sold of his eBook.

And while the internet drooled and paid homage to this guy for so long, other 'gurus' have came along and have quietly stolen the spotlight from this guy. His guide still sells units every single day; and his product continues to be on digital bestsellers' lists in the Top 10.

But quietly in the background, he has also made very wise business decisions. Like many people who have scored their first millions from whatever avenue of life, The Rich Jerk invested his money into real estate. According to his claims, he was into the real estate game before he ever ventured into digital direct selling.

Now, from the conversations that I've personally had with the guy behind the moniker, RJ (Rich Jerk) is a real, stand up guy. A little brash, but who isn't? I'm known to be a mean S.O.B. at times... or so my fiancee says...

As to the credibility of his real estate claims? The possibilities aren't far fetched. See, yours truly invested hundreds of dollars into real estate education, as well as learning from my father about landlording.

But the fact of the matter is, there are two possible ways/methods in which a person can profit from the real estate game...with bad credit and no money. Although I'm not a real estate professional, here are the ways in which I personally know of:

  • Brokering Discounted Notes
  • Brokering Real Estate Options
Simply put, brokering discounted notes is when you find people with real estate I.O.U.'s and find other people willing to pay a lump sum for these I.O.U.'s in exchange for the future recurring payments from that I.O.U.

And brokering real estate options is when you find people willing to give you an 'option to buy' contract, and you sell it at a high markup to someone willing to take the seller up on the contract.

So, what does this have to do with The Rich Jerk? Well, the website for his new guide Rich Jerk Real Estate has a very powerful sales message for what appears to be a book that goes into full detail on one of the two strategies I mentioned above.

The sales page for his new guide reminds me of his other site, but the message is nonetheless, listen to me, and I'll make you some money.

But is he serious, or is he lying?

Well, when it came to his online money-making book, I've used it and created a website that did more than $15K in gross sales...and I only invested $15 into the project. Here it is

So, I know he's not lying...

With either of the strategies I mentioned earlier, you need properties, and you need investors. So this leaves me intrigued. Well, when the merchant account check from one of my online businesses comes in the mail, I'll cure my curiosity and pay the $37 for it.

And of course, I'll be upholding his 8-week money back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the content and the resources he promises.

I say read it if you're interested in learning about real estate. Nice enjoyable reading for the weekend...and of course, uphold that guarantee if it's not what it's cracked up to be.

T.M. Harris