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Monday, June 9, 2008

Some Other Top Marketer Confesses to Alcohol and Drug...(the anti-promo)

Hey readers!

I don’t know about you…

But I’ve received quite many emails from marketers, and even some
that I haven’t heard from in a while.

They’re all advertising about how a ‘top marketer’ confesses to
being a former drug user and alcoholic.

This guy is named Michael Cheney from the UK.

I guess this is his selling point to convince others that THEY can
do it too.

Just so you know…many marketers do this, and that’s because they
want you to trust them, and gain a sense of hope. I don’t know a
single marketer that hasn’t done something like this…confessing to
being a ‘bad boy’ back in the day to get some sales NOW.

The question remains…should you listen to someone who used to be
an alcoholic and a drug junkie? YES. Does that mean listen to
Michael Cheney?


Why? because after hearing about Michael’s journey…it reminded me
of my own journey in life.

So, call this my confession.

Yes, I used to do heavy drugs. Mostly marijuana, but I was coaxed a
few times to pop some pills while I was in college. And during that
same time, I used to stay with 3 40oz bottles of Old English 800 in
my mini-fridge.

I used to always go to class drunk, high or both…and that pretty
much helped dismantle my own college career.

And then of course…from not completing college, I had to enter the
blue-collar work force, and from there…came internet marketing.

Wanna know what got me to stop the drugs and the boozing?

No, it wasn’t internet marketing.

It was religion…not some magic product in a box, or some expensive
training course on how to teach others how to do the same thing.

I got right with my faith, and I ended up having kids. That’s what
turned me around…not the internet marketing industry.

I.M. was a way for me to help provide for my family, not to overcome
my addictions.

Now, I will be the first to admit. If I go to a cookout, I’m going
to have a beer or two. But, I used to be heavy on 40oz malt liquor
and hard liquor like whiskey, vodka, and in some instances…corn
liquor (Everclear).

But all that stopped when I got locked up years ago after getting
piss drunk, getting a slight concussion, and being thrown in jail
after flinging my arms at a nurse in the hospital.

I haven’t touched a sip of whiskey since. Thank God, because I used
to be a real jerk when I was drunk off of hard liquor.

There, that’s my confession. Am I now going to tell you to buy my
stuff because of this? NO.

If you’re religious, get right with your faith. If you’re not, then
get right with YOURSELF. Internet marketing is only a stream of
income…not a way to get out of your addictions, like some
marketers are trying to impose on you.

Sorry, I had to rant about this…because I see a lot of marketers
telling their tales of overcoming addiction thru internet marketing,
and then robbing your wallets at the same time.

So to end this email, I just wanted to remind you of a modestly
priced course ($9.97) that’ll keep you ‘in the know’ in regards to
the internet marketing scene.

Here’s the site:
Marketing in the Know

If you don’t remember anything else, remember this.

Someone ‘upstairs’ loves you. And if you don’t believe in the man
upstairs…then remember that I love you. (no homo, though)

I love you enough to at least tell you the truth, and help put you
on the right path to get right with yourself, and the internet
marketing scene.

Enjoy yourself,

T.M. Harris

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