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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cheap, Stupid Trick to Getting More Free Website Traffic

OK, here's a stupid little tip. Ever heard of Yeah, it's a social bookmarking website where people can submit their sites to it as 'news stories', and the community will decide which ones will get the popularity and most of the attention. It's a pretty cool site that I've been really experimenting with lately.

Well, I've been siphoning traffic from Digg the past week, and not by posting my websites and affiliate links as 'news stories'.

This is sooo easy...

First, find popular topics in your site's niche with at least 500 diggs. The more the better. I usually only mess with topics that have at least 1000 diggs, because I'm picky. haha You can easily find digg topics in your niche by using their search tool they have available.

Second, post a COMMENT to a digg and make sure you put your site's address as your 'signature'. Digg automatically converts your site address to a HTML link. Just make sure that your comment is truly genuine, and is relevant to the topic and your site.

Third, repeat #1 & 2 for about 20 topics in your niche on The more the merrier, of course.


Digg comments can bring you so much traffic for nothing. I posted 3 comments on as a gag in niches I didn't have a site for.

And I still received 125 visitors to my blog, with 5 signups to my opt-in list. Any sales? Just two...but I didnt' have to invest anything into getting those two sales. No money was spent on the website since it's a free blog.

So, for two sales totalling $50 on an affiliate product, that's not bad.

The thing is, a lot of people on don't post comments. A good chunk do...but the fact is, they're not hip to posting a link in a comment for website promotion. Those on there who are, are raking in some serious traffic, especially if the site they're promoting is related to the topic.

Best bet, promote blogs using comments.

And that's my stupid little trick for the day...ENJOY!

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