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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How to Get Better At Email Marketing...

Hello readers. Here's my lesson to you today...

When it comes to getting better at email marketing, you have to seriously worry about three things.

  1. Getting people to OPEN your emails.
  2. Getting people to visit the links in your emails.
  3. Getting people to purchase from your affiliate links.

For number one, a bold subject that leaves the email recipient curious to know what you're talking about. Think about emails you get that you actually open. What made you want to open them?

  • You know the recipient
  • The subject caught your attention
Why not copy the style of the subject and use that when constructing your own subject lines? Problem solved.

For number two, a good presell message will make someone visit a link. Good ways to presell are:
  • Teasing the reader by not completing sentences, and telling them to visit the link to find out. By chance, someone's gonna check out the link just to see what you're talking about. Hey, he/she probably doesn't want what you're offering in the first place, but you got them to the site anyway.
  • Writing a review on a website I'm promoting works in so many ways, as it's adds to an email's personal touch. When you buy stuff most of the time, don't you buy off the recommendation of a friend? So, be a friend to your list, and your recommendations will shine!

For number three, I'm going to leave that to this ebook I came across today, which promises that you can achieve a conversion ratio of 25% on your mailings. When I send out promotional emails, I only convert about 3 to 6% of my list. On a good day, I might hit 10%. Highest conversion I ever had on an email was 14%, and I was souped about that.

But this guide, for just a cheap $7, says you can easily get a 25% conversion on your emails, in just 30 days.

Honestly, if you have some spare change on you, this might be something you want to seriously check out...especially if you're trying to make money with a mailing list in ANY niche.

You can check it out at:
My List Profits - $7

To your success with email marketing,
T.M. Harris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your new site! Thanks for sharing, you really keep it real....especially when you shared the time that you got no responses from a recommendation email. You teach by doing....I actually saw how you adjusted your emails and got even more helpful and personal. Up top!