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Friday, February 1, 2008

REVIEW: Can a Rich Jerk Really Teach You Real Estate?

I stumbled across this site by pure accident, and even though it's not in my main niche of 'internet marketing', I believe it deserves an honorable mention on my blog.

For those who have been out of the loop for the past two years, there's a famous internet marketer who's self-titled digital publication, The Rich Jerk, has pulled in millions of dollars in gross revenue for this California native. He's shattered records in the industry in terms of sales figures and units sold of his eBook.

And while the internet drooled and paid homage to this guy for so long, other 'gurus' have came along and have quietly stolen the spotlight from this guy. His guide still sells units every single day; and his product continues to be on digital bestsellers' lists in the Top 10.

But quietly in the background, he has also made very wise business decisions. Like many people who have scored their first millions from whatever avenue of life, The Rich Jerk invested his money into real estate. According to his claims, he was into the real estate game before he ever ventured into digital direct selling.

Now, from the conversations that I've personally had with the guy behind the moniker, RJ (Rich Jerk) is a real, stand up guy. A little brash, but who isn't? I'm known to be a mean S.O.B. at times... or so my fiancee says...

As to the credibility of his real estate claims? The possibilities aren't far fetched. See, yours truly invested hundreds of dollars into real estate education, as well as learning from my father about landlording.

But the fact of the matter is, there are two possible ways/methods in which a person can profit from the real estate game...with bad credit and no money. Although I'm not a real estate professional, here are the ways in which I personally know of:

  • Brokering Discounted Notes
  • Brokering Real Estate Options
Simply put, brokering discounted notes is when you find people with real estate I.O.U.'s and find other people willing to pay a lump sum for these I.O.U.'s in exchange for the future recurring payments from that I.O.U.

And brokering real estate options is when you find people willing to give you an 'option to buy' contract, and you sell it at a high markup to someone willing to take the seller up on the contract.

So, what does this have to do with The Rich Jerk? Well, the website for his new guide Rich Jerk Real Estate has a very powerful sales message for what appears to be a book that goes into full detail on one of the two strategies I mentioned above.

The sales page for his new guide reminds me of his other site, but the message is nonetheless, listen to me, and I'll make you some money.

But is he serious, or is he lying?

Well, when it came to his online money-making book, I've used it and created a website that did more than $15K in gross sales...and I only invested $15 into the project. Here it is

So, I know he's not lying...

With either of the strategies I mentioned earlier, you need properties, and you need investors. So this leaves me intrigued. Well, when the merchant account check from one of my online businesses comes in the mail, I'll cure my curiosity and pay the $37 for it.

And of course, I'll be upholding his 8-week money back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the content and the resources he promises.

I say read it if you're interested in learning about real estate. Nice enjoyable reading for the weekend...and of course, uphold that guarantee if it's not what it's cracked up to be.

T.M. Harris

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