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Thursday, October 11, 2007

12 Month Millionaire & Why I Might Quit Internet Marketing *UPDATED*

Read this post I made a while ago. Today, 10/30/2007, I have to give you an update on this situation...


The internet marketing game is really starting to become quite sickening to me. There was a recent product release that I'm sure you've heard about for a product called '12 Month Millionaire'. I'm not going to give you a link to the site, because I refuse to promote it. Here's why, and why it makes me sick...

See, Russell Bronson is one of the most highly regarded internet marketers online today. He's only 28 and he's a internet marketing millionaire and mogul to say the least.

But he decided to release a 6-hour audio product that's supposed to be a recording of a private consultation session he paid for from Vince James. Now Vince was a major player in the Direct Selling market. Supposedly he made 100 Million Dollars in two years from direct selling programs, and selling a vitamin via Mail Orders.

Vince also write a $300 guide called '12 Month Millionaire' that's no longer being sold anymore. One of the late internet marketing greats was his biggest supporter.

Let me start talking about why this all makes me sick...

Let's start with Vince...See, I've done some research on him through articles and online forums. If you do a background check on this guy, you'll notice a nice little court order he has from the great state of Arizona.

This court order BANNED him from doing anymore direct selling online and offline for 5 years. Why was he banned? FRAUD & FALSE ADVERTISING.

That 'vitamin' that supposedly made him $100 Million? It actually did pull in those numbers...but due to fraud and false advertising. The vitamin was nothing more than an herbal pill that really does nothing and Vince knew that. The hustle was that he was just able to get these herbal pills for $2 a bottle, and sold each bottle for $60 a piece as a 'Penis Enlargement' vitamin. (no lie)

Through his direct selling methods, he was getting people to commit to at least 3 to 6 months worth of these worthless pills, having it shipped to their houses, and having their credit cards being charged every month for $60. People weren't finding out that the pills were doing SQUAT, and started to cancel their future shipments, since it was waste of $60 a month.

Now everything would've been cool if Vince would've just stopped charging them once they cancelled. But, just like many greedy marketers...he didn't want the cash flow to stop. So, he kept charging them, and charging them. He never took the customers off the recurring billing.

Well, a few of these idiots actual got the nerve to approach the Attorney General of Arizona, and filed suit against him. As a result, he lost his business, and was banned from direct selling for five years. Vince had ended up making a book, and asked the judge to allow him to sell it...the judge intelligently DENIED his request.

So, basically...Vince was hyping up his customers via websites, and direct mailings that his pill was indeed the solution to penis enlargement. Since penis length is a major issue to a majority of men, the emotional factor really kicked in with Vince's sales pitch. A few lies later, and he's got people being shipped worthless pills every month. And when ppl didn't want any more, he just ignored them and kept charging them.

And THIS is what I'm supposed to pay $37 to learn?!

If I wanted to learn how to be a scammer, I'll just answer one of them Nigerian lottery emails I get all the time, and watch how they screw me over. But, I'm not paying $37 to Russell Bronson to hear a consultation session from Vince James on how to scam people by ignoring their subscription cancellations.

What really makes me sick is that there are people who are so damn greedy for a buck, that they'll partner with Russ to get an 'exclusive' affiliate link to '12 Month Millionaire' and promote a course on how to scam people! Trust, every marketer that sent me an email promoting it, received a quick UNSUBSCRIBE from me today.

It's bad enough that the whole 'work at home' and 'internet marketing' industry is already full of scams and that the industry gets instantly labelled as a scam. Now we're just scamming newbies and other money-hungry people by making them buy a course on how to scam the next generation, by using recurring billing?

What's sad is that Russell Brunson was someone I truly looked up to for the longest time, since I was a newbie at the whole online marketing thing. He was an inspiration to me as a marketer. And now I see him release this crap, '12 Month Millionaire'

Promoting a scammer's thoughts and ideals as an audio course, and getting every broke failure to buy makes me sick!

It really makes me think of the lengths that people will go to in order to make their wallets fatter.

After I did all this really made me think about a lot of things. And right now, I'm honestly very discouraged.

Here I am, working on a new product to put out to the masses next month, and here comes my idol...promoting a bunch of low-down, dirty, rotten, corrupt crap they call '12 Month Millionaire'.

Now I know I used to call myself the 'Dirtiest Player in the Game'. But that was only I used a lot of black-hat traffic techniques to get traffic to my websites. Never would I scam someone out of their money, though. It's one thing to rob someone of their's another to rob them for their hard-earned money.

Honestly, '12 Month Millionaire' is not a recommendation of mine at all. I'm sorry.

  • ...I don't care if it's one of the best selling products on Clickbank this week.
  • ...I don't care if every big dog in the internet marketing industry is breaking their backs promoting this product.
  • ...I don't care if there are over 300 affiliates for this product who have made money from this product this week (that's what Clickbank gravity ratings tell you).

I for one am not promoting it. I'm only making this post in case you were thinking about buying '12 Month Millionaire'. I for one am part of the movement against people purchasing it.

I'd much rather you read 6 Figure Formula. Honestly, it's not a book about how to scam people, but much rather setting up your own mindstate and business plan to pull in 6 figures online this year. As a matter of fact, one of the first things mentioned in the guide will honestly show you why you aren't making 6 figures online yet...let alone why you're not making ANY money at all.

As far as '12 Month Millionaire', count me out. All those savages they call gurus can have fun promoting it. I just wonder how they sleep at night...

*** Comments on this are more than welcome, people. ***


Now, I realized that I might have over-reacted to that situation. I really did go out and start unsubscribing from several internet marketer's mailing lists, too, while leaving them disgusting messages explaining my reasoning.

Well, one of the Gurus actually wrote me back, to my amazement. I'm not going to tell you his name, because I'm not here to promote him. But let's just say I felt like 'butterflys' were in my stomach, if you know what I mean lol

That should give it away...

But anyway, we actually conversed via email. And finally, I seriously realized that I overreacted to a review that I read on the 12 Month Millionaire.

Come to find out, the original reviews I read were incomplete in regards to the facts.

Yes, Vince was convicted and denied the right to do any direct selling...but he did do his time and paid the price and restitution. Supposedly, he's cleaned up. I'm not sure if this is true or not...


I did pass judgment way too quickly. I only heard of this dude Vince James for a day, and I was already calling him names, left and right...and that's when I realized...


Only God can judge us, so why should I feel so high and mighty to pass judgment? Especially when I had my own brief stint with the law years ago?

So, I'm publicly apologizing to Vince James and Russell Brunson. I'm sorry I passed judgment on you too so quickly and so rudely.

You take my review for what it's worth, as I have not read the guide yet. Supposed from other reviews on the Warrior's Forum, it deals with a lot of offline marketing strategies as well as online strategies, that could help anyone's business. Some of it is basic rehash, while some topics, especially the offline marketing portion, were deemed 'pure genius'.

That's all I have to say for now.

To your success,

Have fun,
T.M. Harris


Anonymous said...

Hey T-

I agree.

Why can't these people actually provide valuable content for the money they're asking.

I try to give value with every ebook written. At least I can go to sleep at night.

Keep up the good work. People need to know about these scammers.


Unknown said...

Hi T,I just got an email from Chris Carpentor promoting Russel Bronsons capaign to promote this crooks garbage,i just unsubscribed from both of them

mainemine said...

Tim, I agree and am very discouraged myself. I think you are right about the Internet Marketing Industry as a whole is startin g to fight of scraps and feeding on newbies. I am working on an e-book currently that tells the newbies what to expect and how to make a more educated desision. It is not a how-to book it is more of a how not-to book. I am selling nothing except the book itself. I am including no affilaite links in the book. I am going to provide a list of programs that i have found to be honest and helpful.

Kevin Ellingwood

me said...

Thank-you for being so refreshingly honest and candid. And in future, I will "google" a person's background before I buy anything.

It's sickening when you see how low people will stoop for a few bucks.

Doc Jakson said...

Way to go T...we don't see your type of courage often enough..More power to you my friend...continued success and as always,

All the best,

wyzird said...

Thank you for your honest voice. It is refreshing to hear the truth once in a while. I will always be interested in what you have to say. So dont you dare quit.

M Charbonneau said...

Something kept stopping me from buying this book but I couldn't put my finger on it. I guess you hit it on the nose, mistrust. I have just unsubscribed from everyone who had been promoting it, and there were quite a few. I thank you for your honesty. I have been very discouraged with the way things have been going lately and it feels like there is a change in the air. I have been seeing a lot of unethical behaviour in IM lately and decided to switch to something else. Wish me luck, and all the best to you T.


I'm a newbie to internet marketing and I would be happy to pay for the kind of information that saves me from making a fool of myself. I have had a number of emails promoting this package, from people whos newsletters I have subscribed to.
We newbies don't know who to believe and a lot of us don't know how to investigate the backgrounds of those who we are dealing with.

Thanks for your warning.
Bob Farr.

Frank Eckdall said...

Dear Timothy,

Congratulations for your courage!

Over the last 6 years I have become a Unix Administrator and I've seen enough lies out there to make me want to vomit, or become a prosecutor like my father. He's an SOB, but at least he's my SOB!

Once upon a time I also looked up to some of these so called marketing gurus that you and others mentioned. Some of my reviews about them were so venomous that blogs like Rosalind Gardner's wouldn't even print it. She's sort of a fence sitter and wants to play both sides. However, she's still more honest than most IM.

I have been warned that if I continue to tell the absolute truth about these low life bottom feeders taking advantage of newbies and desperate people with untrue exaggerated claims that I could get black listed myself and nobody would promote my products.

The problem with these people is spiritual and egocentric. They are no longer, if they ever were, trying to help others up the ladder. They couldn't care less about others and hide behind dubious sales copy and outright lies.

Church isn't going to help these people, money is their god. Like mafiosos or jihadists they don't care how they get it.

Let them black list me for telling the truth. A possible letter from my father to their jurisdiction could be a nice wake up summons.

Keep telling the truth! I thought I was the only one!

Kind Regards,
Frank Eckdall
P.D. There is only one defense for slander or libel and that is the truth.
P.D.D. Your father brought up a good son, just like my father did.

Roseanne Berry said...

I bought it and now I have just asked for a refund. It does nothing to help the newbie.

S.C.A.Rao said...

tmharris , thanks for the "revelation".this stinks really!