Hey hey buddy!
It's T.M. here. Over the past 24 hours, I've been recollecting over
reasons why you, personally, got into this internet marketing
I've had many other people tell me that you wanna learn more about
affiliate marketing, and how to make it all operate on autopilot.
I've had others wanna learn how to build a mailing list that they
can siphon m.oney from.
Others just wanted a system that automatically create money for you.
So...today, I came up with a solution just for you buddy
There's a guide called 'How to Generate Instant Paypal Ca.sh' that
was written by two brothers. I like the system, because it shows
you several different ways in which you can pull some major c.ash
into your paypal account almost instantly.

This system is perfect for someone like you. Just imagine that you
were in a situation like this:
* You have a bill due tomorrow
* You have to pay for your child's day care tomorrow
* You have to pay the mortgage by the end of the week
* You need food to fill your cabinets
* You need to pay for your internet service or else...bye bye m.oney
* You need gas to get to work
* You need to pay your car note before they repossess it.
And if you have a paypal account, you can easily pull in c.ashflow,
and use your Paypal Debit Card to debit it. Of course, the debit
card is only for Premier and Business account holders, but it costs
nothing to upgrade to Premier or Business status.
Seriously, it's a guide that'll help you put some quick coin in that
little paypal account of yours so that you won't have to worry about
financial hardships that come up overnight.
And now comes the fun part...
When you get this powerful guide, of course, I'll get notification
that you bought it. And throughout the day, I'll throw you a bonus
20-PART AUDIO COURSE with Private Label Rights. That means you can
do whatever the heck you want to do with it. Either, sit down and
listen to the content to help you, give it away, or even resell it
as if it were your own home study course.
Here's some of the topics in the audio course:
* Easy Affiliate Profits Using Pay-Per-Click
* 3 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight
* The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes
* Using Product Recommendations For Profit
* Which Affiliate Program Should You Choose
* How To Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Narkets
* 3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Mailing List
* 4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build Your List
* 7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List
* How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For More
And there's TEN more topics covered in this 20-PART AUDIO COURSE
The value of a 20-part audio course with ultimate Private Label
Rights is at least $197. Because, it had to be professional
recorded, edited, and packaged. I already took the hit by buying
the rights to the course. Now, I wanna pass it on to you for f.ree.
Unfortunately buddy, I'm not going to give everybody and
their mama this course. It's only for those who choose to take
action first. Of course, taking action is the key to internet
marketing success.
So, to bless those who are fast action takers, I'll give you the
entire 20-part audio course if you're one of the first TWENTY to
jump on the offer.
The only stipulation is, you have to buy 'How to Generate Instant
Paypal Ca.sh' from me TODAY (10/29/2007).
Just because I'm offering a bonus today on the sale of this guide,
doesn't take away from the value of the actual ebook. It's
definitely worth the price, which is less than two large pizzas from
I'm only offering the bonus 20-part audio course because honestly,
it's what you asked for. Remember when I emailed you and asked you
what you were trying to do with this internet marketing thing?
Well, I bought this audio course as a result, just so I can get it
in your hands. You might be saying...'well if you bought it for me,
why do I have to buy this other guide?'
Because, if I just give it to you, you probably won't check it out,
because there's no perceived value to something I just give you for
nothing. I'd rather you prove to me that you're really interested
in making sense (and dollars) with your paypal account, before I
give you the audio course. That way, I know you're gonna listen to
Besides, I need to recoup the money I shelled out for the audio
course, anyway lol
So, here's how you can get what I call 'The Ultimate Sunday Package'
#1 - Be one of the first TWENTY to visit:
#2 - Wait for me to acknowledge that you purchased it, and I'll send
you the 20-part audio course. Either that, or you can email me at
this address with your paypal receipt info, and I'll send it to you
if you're that impatient.
Just remember, I do have two small children under two years old and
they're a handful sometimes. They like to cut a fool on Sundays
while my wife is at work...so on Sundays I'm rarely in front of the
PC. Just bear with me, and I'll shoot you over the audio course
once I get notification that you paid for the instant paypal course.
The ball lies in your court. You gonna take the winning shot, or
sit on the bench and do nothing as usual?
Enjoy your day,
T.M. Harris
President, T.M. Harris LLC
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